The barrel room experience

A social media strategy V.I.P. day.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

Scrambling to create content and not sure if it’s even the best content you could be posting.

You’re present on social, but can’t tie your efforts to any business growth.

You’ve heard the terms, β€˜content calendar’, β€˜social media analytics’, β€˜social media strategy’ - but don’t have the capacity to figure them out and successfully implement them in your business.

You know social media has the power to grow your business and make your brand stand out, but you’re feeling stuck.

I'm here to tell you it doesn't have to be that way.

you could have this…

More than vanity metrics.

Social Media strategy aligned with your business goals to grow your brand and bottom line, not just your followers…

Content that converts.

No more posting just to post. Know how to produce strategy-backed content that moves your audience through your marketing funnel to turn followers to buyers…


Not another cookie cutter program or freebie pdf that sits on your laptop. Have a mentor, a supporter, a cheerleader to coach you (and your team) to be successful…

your key takeaways

10 branded stories templates.
10 branded feed templates.
Personalized content calendar with your content themes.
Prompts for next 12 feed posts.
Prompts for next 30 days of stories.
Social media grid layout and inspo.

20+ page social media strategy and implementation document customized to your brand and business goals.

Guide to social media data tracking, reporting and analyzing for each platform.

Development of target audience and their pain points to move them through your content marketing funnel.

1 month of 1:1 support from me for implementation and to train your team to crush your socials month after month!

The best day to elevate your brand was yesterday. the next best day is today.

 A one of a kind program that will elevate your brand in so many ways. Ready to dive in?

I developed this program to better serve you, anywhere in the world.
The family brands.
The local businesses.
The up-and-comers.
Because you have a story to share and a brand to grow, and I want to help you do just that.

Here's what's included:

Morning meeting

We’ll meet first thing in the morning to discuss all the details - brand, business goals, products/services, pain points, target audience, current social media, etc. Plan for this meeting to last up 2 hours to effectively dive into the deets.

our work

We spend the day creating your deliverables - social media strategy, brand guidelines for social, branded templates, content calendar, etc.

Afternoon meeting

We have our deliverables meeting at the end of the work day. Here, we’ll present back to you your custom strategy and review next steps.

1-Month of 1:1 support

Over the next 4 weeks you’ll have direct access to me as your social media consultant. We provide this month of service to assist with implementation, answer questions, collaborate, and review your analytics and next steps.

This is for you if:

You or someone on your team can consistently run your social channels.

You believe in the power of social media marketing for your brand and are ready to elevate it to the next level.

You have the ability to create consistent high quality content, whether it be someone on your team or partnering with an outside professional creator.

You or someone on your team has the capacity to successfully stay up to date with social media trends and changes and continuously evolve your brand.

This isn’t for you if:

You or someone on your team doesn’t have the capacity to consistently manage your social channels.

You’re not ready to invest in creative marketing - branding, strategy, content.

You’re looking for short-term growth, a quick fix to make your brand go β€œviral”.

You or someone on your team doesn’t have the capacity to successfully keep up with social media trends and updates and continuously evolve your brand.

+ Looking for a more all-inclusive approach? Check out our full-service Social Media Management offering.

The best day to elevate your brand was yesterday. the next best day is today.

A look into each COMPONENT:


the heart of your socials

Your brand is what makes you unique and it influences everything we do, so this is where we start. We take a deep dive into your persona, your voice, your messaging, your values. From here, we develop a social media strategy that can only be successful for you.


the good stuff

This 20+ page document will give you all the details. We give you precise, actionable steps and recommendations to successfully run your social channels. You can expect to understand your messaging, your audience and their pain points, your content marketing funnel, social media platforms and analytics and so much more!


the visual storytelling

Now that you have your strategy, you need branded content to implement that strategy and share your story. We’ll give you a customized content calendar with themes, prompts and branded templates.


1 Month of 1:1 support

Because we know this is the hardest part - taking action. What we don’t want is to have this incredible day together, jam-packed with strategy and recommendations, only to have it sit on your computer. So, for 4 weeks you get to experience having us in your corner. We’re there to hold you accountable, answer questions, train your team and ensure a successful implementation of your re-vamped social media brand!

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our full-service Social Media Management offering is where we are your 1:1 social media manager and strategist. We integrate with you and your team to take social off your plate and get you results!

    We’ll manage everything.

    Content / Strategy / Posting / Engagement / Analytics / Platform Updates

    Our Barrel Room Experience program is designed as a 1-day intensive where we partner together to give you the tools, strategies and resources of our Social Media Management service, then teach you how to implement.

    You’ll walk away with a custom strategy, content templates and prompts, social media analytics, and optimized platforms.

    You’ll also receive 1 month of 1:1 support from us and we’ll guide you through a social media launch or campaign for a product, service, brand, or event (i.e. wine release, club sign-ups, event promotion, etc.).

  • YES.

    This program is 100% virtual and we are flexible to accommodate different time zones for our V.I.P day and month of 1:1 support.

  • You’ll get weekly check-ins with me (up to 1 hour) during which we can discuss whatever you need help with. This varies with each brand depending on where their strengths are/aren’t - some use this time to focus on campaigns, others need help designing content, others needs help implementing platforms and tools. I find most, need a little bit of everything throughout the month and we’ll be sure to review you analytics during our last call!

  • YES.

    I highly recommend developing brand assets regularly to have for your website, socials and print. You can source beautiful stock imagery but eventually your brand will outgrow it and you won’t stand out.

    I have various photo/video packages available. But if I’m not available, not near you or can’t travel to you or my style simply doesn’t mesh with your brand, I’m also happy to help you find and vet a professional photographer/videographer near you :).

have any other questions?
contact me and I'll be happy to answer.

Meet your creative mentor, Rachel.

founder + lead creative

I’m a Viticulture and Enology grad from Oregon State University turned creative entrepreneur. I’ve worked in almost every aspect of the wine industry, explored careers in fitness and in finance. Through each experience I’ve found myself excelling in marketing, analytics and creativity all leading to today.

I’ve always felt I’ve never β€œfit” in the traditional job world, constantly exploring new ideas, looking for ways to improve and becoming a leader. A constant journey of self-discovery and exploring new talents that I can’t let go. I’d describe myself as a reluctant entrepreneur, yet building this brand has been the most exciting experience I’ve had. Partnering with brands to share their message, find their tribe and help them grow just as I’ve done for my own brand is challenging, rewarding and something I’m truly passionate about.

Let’s put a little soul + creativity + love into your brand.

The best day to elevate your brand was yesterday. the next best day is today.

Still unsure if this is the program for you?

My inbox is always open :). Send me an email, DM me on Insta, I’m here to help!